A super limited edition collectible print publication containing the work of 15 contributors globally. All who explore the beauty of erotica through photography, art, and literature.
Pages: 128
Size: 194 x 265mm
Editor: Tom Selmon
Editions: 1000
Artwords Broadway Market Athenaeum - London, UK
Athenaeum Nieuwscentrum - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Casa Magazines - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Chicago Main Newsstand - Chicago, USA
City News Inc - Chicago, USA
Frab's di Dario Gaspari - Forli, Italy
Good News - London, Uk
Hyper Hypo E.E, Athens, Italy
IMS Belgium - Antwerp. Belgium
Issues- Toronto, Canada
LMDS Shanghai Bookstore - Shanghai, China
Magma Covent Garden - London, UK
McNally Jackson Books - New York, USA
Multi-Arts Corporation - Tapai, Taiwan
Odd Kiosk - Barcelona, Spain
Prinz Eisenherz, Buchladen GmbH - Berlin, Germany
Rainbow News - London, UK
Rococo News - London, UK
Rosa Wolf - Berlin, Germany
She Said - Berlin, Germany
SGEL - Madrid, Spain
Soda - Munich, Germany
The Bookshop Darlinghurst - Sydney, Australia
The Magazine Stand - Israel
UNITOM - Manchester, UK
Village Books Leeds - Leeds, UK
Village Books Manchester - Manchester, UK